Help - Find a Treatment Process Page

Find Treatment Process

The Find a Treatment Process page allows you to search for a particular treatment process and retrieve information about that treatment process and retrieve information about that treatment process and any contaminant that it has been tested against.

On the page you have multiple search options for finding a particular treatment process:

  • Search box - You are able to enter a treatment process name or included processes. Once information is entered the table is automatically filtered by the search results.
  • Character search - You are able to click on the character associated to the first character in the treatment process name and return all results for that character. Each field in the table can be sorted by ascending and descending order.
  • Manual Search - You are able to search through the matrix of results to find a treatment process. The matrix shows the treatment process name and included processes. When the page loads, 10 treatment processes are displayed in the results matrix. You can click each page number at the bottom right of the table to go through each page. There is also the option to show more treatment processes by selecting a different option in the drop down to the top left of the table. Once a result has been found, you are able to click on the name of a treatment process to go to the treatment process's overview page.